The release of Skyward Sword brings a few new additions to the Zelda series such as, a more acrobatic link, apparently Nintendo have eradicated the famous torch puzzles, but in response to this they have rein visioned the way that players will complete puzzles, Nintendo have also added bird's for link to fly around the games environment, Skyward Sword uses Princess Zelda as more of a realistic person again, like they did in Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time. I really enjoyed how they made Tetra and Sheik (Zelda) different from your usual sit around and do nothing Princess, to ass kicking, interesting characters. But the most important addition to Skyward Sword is most defiantly the use of the motion plus controller, which is going to revolutionize the way that you fight battles with Link, in all of the game play trailers I've been watching the motion plus control method seems to work extremely well and there doesn't seem to be any lag whilst using the control system. People are also wondering if Gannon is going to be the main villain to, it seems that Nintendo have decided to try and do something similar to, The Minish Cap and Majora's Mask.
Well I think I'll stop now and let the game speak for it self when it's released, but for now here's some game play footage, enjoy.
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